KMTT's January 2024 Newsletter

Hey humans, it's Danica here from KinesioMassage Therapy & Training :)

This newsletter was created to help plant seeds of wellness in your mind and to nurture the habits that will support you on your journey to becoming a healthier, happier human overall.

A thought on new year's resolutions..

What if you didn't need to start the year strong?

What if you didn't need to over-commit to New Year's resolutions, because the marking of the start of the new year is arbitrary anyways and the guilt of not sticking with them is unnecessary?

What if, right now, we gave ourselves permission to follow Nature's lead- to simply rest and rejuvenate, to ENJOY the deep dark of the year?

Every moment is fleeting, and the more time I have under my belt, the more I realise every year is, too. Yes, setting intentions, working towards goals and personal development are all wonderful things (and I do them regularly and intentionally) but focus on those things doesn't need to be confined to one day/week/month a year.

I believe in following the ebb and flow of the seasons, because we, too, are Nature. I believe in the goodness that it does our bodies and brains to snuggle up with a good book and a big blanket in the long evenings. I believe in the replenishment that comes with hot baths after a cold afternoon walk. I believe in the energy that is created following intentional rest, especially if that involves your favourite things, like having coffee surrounded by freshly fallen snow, basking in the beautiful morning Winter Sun.

Let yourself do the joyful things you're drawn to, without guilt, without shame, knowing that this season, too, will pass and that any and all small steps we make towards our health and wellness add up over time, including the benefit of rest.

Be sure to schedule your next treatment to take your rest and rejuvenation to the next level ^.^

Self-Care Library

In need of some movement inspiration? Check out KMTT's video library for quick mobility flows at home!

This month, I'm highlighting the Bow & Arrow: perform seated or standing, use this mid-spine rotation move to reduce tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back to balance out the postural strains of computer work or phone use!

Click here to watch: Bow & Arrow

What's Up @ KMTT

Big heads up for an upcoming system change!

KMTT will be moving to a new booking and billing software called NOTERRO- streamlining group classes and private session booking from a CUSTOM APP available for download or through web browser! This upgrade will include a client login feature to manage all of your appointments and receipts from one convenient place

Be sure to keep an eye out for correspondence arriving in the next 48 hours with instructions on how to create your new profile :)

Appointments will be moved from the old system to the new and links will be updated through my website for booking!

Click here to book with Danica!

Thanks for reading :)

Yours truly in Winter Wellness,

Nica ^.^