November 2023 Newsletter!

Hey humans, it's Danica here from KinesioMassage Therapy & Training :)

This newsletter was created to help plant seeds of wellness in your mind and to nurture the healthy habits that will support you on your journey to becoming a healthier, happier human overall. If you’d like to receive future monthly newsletters directly to your inbox, be sure to sign up on KMTT’s home page!

So, what's the big idea?

Integrated and balanced wellness, in whatever context that means for you!

Everyone has vastly different and ever-changing life circumstances, but it's important to recognise that we always have the power to make changes in our daily actions to contribute positively to our overall health and wellness.

That all starts with being mindful of our current habits.

Interested in learning more about my backstory and therapeutic approach? Be sure to watch my recent interview on Out of the Fog on RogersTV!

Click here to watch Danica's Interview on Youtube

Healthy Habits

I want to help you create positive habits that are as easy and convenient as possible- that way, you're that much more likely to keep them up long-term!

Habit stacking is a great way to do just that- help prompt your new habit by pairing it with one you already do regularly

For example, I wanted to increase my daily water intake. I drink coffee daily so I decided to put a water glass next to my coffee pot when I set it in the evenings as a way to set my intention to drink it before having my coffee in the morning. It's easier to follow through on the action after recognising the water glass as my prompt. As a result, I drink more water starting earlier in the day, I delay my coffee which has reduced how often I have a second, and I noticed a big positive change in my energy levels after just a few days!

Self-Care Library

In need of some movement inspiration? Check out KMTT's video library for quick mobility flows at home!

This month, I'm highlighting the W-Y-W-Dive: perform seated or standing, use this move to reduce tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back to balance out the postural strains of computer work or phone use!

Click here to watch: W-Y-W-Dive

What's Up @ KMTT

My next Group Self-Myofascial Release class is happening November 19th @ NOON at the Yoga Kula Co-op (286 Torbay Rd, St. John's)! $15/participant, drop-ins are welcome or email to register :)

& don't forget, the end of the year is approaching quickly and the calendar is filling up - be sure to book ASAP or reach out to be added to the waitlist for a date/time you need!

Click here to book with Danica!

Thanks for reading :)

Yours truly in balanced wellness,

Nica ^.^